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Demeter - Back at WORLD

WORLD is a very serious business, but we surely don't take ourselves too seriously, we shoot from the hip and enjoy a point of view that is constantly tongue in cheek.  Part of our offering is finding brands, especially Beauty brands that are like minded, that we feel is good representation of our aesthetic and personality.  

Constantly we are contacted by customers asking:
- "do you have the perfume that smells like dirt?"

Or - "can I smell that play-doh perfum"

So after some concerted effort we have gone back in time and found for you all - DEMETER Fragrance Library - which we have for a limited time, exclusive online at available in NZ.  But, what makes Demeter special is who they are so we wanted to share their mission with you:


'Our Mission


The mission of the Demeter Fragrance Library is to expand the use of fragrance, each day, everywhere. That is because great fragrance quite simply, makes for a better day.


We want nothing less than to change the way fragrance is sold and used in America. We want to create environments where people can rediscover the wonderful world of scent that is too often overlooked or forgotten in our multi-tasking, modern world.


To quote Pablo Picasso , "It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child".


We want to get you to smell things the way a child would approach scent, with a fresh perspective of discovery.


The Demeter Fragrance Library consists of more than 250 different fragrances inspired by everyday objects and experiences. These are simple, friendly and familiar scents, scents inspired by the beautiful smells that surround us everyday, adjusted to be both recognizable and wearable. The assortment includes wonderful smells like Vanilla Cake Batter, Baby Powder and Honeysuckle, and many more unusual fragrances, like Dirt, Leather and Gin & Tonic. We are the physical and literal manifestation of "stopping to smell the roses," convincing people to enjoy and appreciate the beautiful smells that surround us all the time.


“A person's fragrance "wardrobe" should include more than just designer or classic perfumes. Having a fragrance wardrobe of just designer perfumes is like having a wardrobe of nothing but evening clothes - beautiful but not what you might want for everyday life. You need the comfortable clothes as well.”  '

- Christopher Brosius, Founder - Demeter Fragrance Library


Check out Demeter here... and the gift sets here...


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